(Re)Designing the Mediation – Combining Service Design and the Law

This post is written by Kerri Salata, a lawyer, ethics, and compliance professional who advises companies on how to meet their legal and regulatory requirements using creative, design-driven strategies. She is the Founder of Kerri A. Salata, Legal Professional Corporation, and also holds the position of CEO at Comply With Me, a Compliance Consultancy Firm

Thank you to everyone who made our 39th Annual Conference a success

Our 39th Annual Professional Development Conference, “The Evolving Demand for ADR,” was a huge success! We wanted this conference program to be propulsive, forward-thinking, and even a little bit provocative. We wanted to showcase some of the most punctuated topics in the ADR Landscape today and bring on board speakers who have specialized in those

Introduction to Arbitration for Mediators

Mediation and arbitration are distinct processes. Many practitioners do both. Increasingly, established arbitrators delve into the facilitation of mediation; for aspiring and established mediators, arbitration can offer the prospect of service expansion, too. This interactive program offers practical perspective into leveraging mediation skills to excel at decision making. It will help mediators consider expanding their

Advanced Workplace Restoration and Workplace Fairness Assessments

Back by Popular Request. 20 Seats Only. This advanced two-part seminar covers workplace assessments and restoration. We take a look at workplaces from a broad and proactive perspective. We provide you with two important workplace assessment models: Fairness Assessments and Health Assessments. We use an experiential training approach that relies on your experiences to provide

ADR Institute of Ontario and Humber College Collaborate to Unveil Research Findings on the Digital Transformation of Ontario’s ADR Sector

The ADR Institute of Ontario (ADRIO) is proud to announce the successful completion of a joint research initiative with Humber College titled “Digital Transformation of Ontario’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Sector: A Closer Look at ADR Stakeholders in Ontario.” The comprehensive research identified and explored various stakeholders in the ADR community across the province. Over the