Guiding Intentions for the New Year

Dear ADRIO Members and Dispute Resolution Practitioners  Happy New Year! Wishing you a healthy and happy 2025!  We ended 2024 on a high note with our exciting annual member appreciation event!   I want to congratulate all of our inductees to the ADRIO President’s Circle for 2024. ADRIO’s President’s Circle members are honoured for their commitment

Designations and Membership – Executive Director’s Message

Dear ADRIO Members and Dispute Resolution Professionals, I trust that you are all doing well during this Autumn season! It has been a busy season buzzing with many excellent activities here at ADRIO which include the 2024 strategic planning sessions, professional development sessions, membership support, and participating in the 50th Annual ADRIC AGM and Conference

Thank you to everyone who made our 39th Annual Conference a success

Our 39th Annual Professional Development Conference, “The Evolving Demand for ADR,” was a huge success! We wanted this conference program to be propulsive, forward-thinking, and even a little bit provocative. We wanted to showcase some of the most punctuated topics in the ADR Landscape today and bring on board speakers who have specialized in those

An Eventful Start to 2024

Dear ADRIO Members and ADR Enthusiasts, Happy Spring Season! I trust that you are all doing well as you have eased into 2024. ADRIO has had a successful membership renewal campaign season as the staff team supports all current members as well as new members joining this strong community of practitioners this year. We continue

Embracing 2024: The Year of Focus, Action and Results!

Dear ADRIO Members and Conflict Resolution Enthusiasts, Happy New Year and warm greetings! Wishing you all good health, peace, and prosperity for 2024!  “If you can’t fly, run; if you can’t run, walk; if you can’t walk, crawl; but by all means, keep moving.”   As we settle into 2024, this quote from Dr. Martin Luther

Happy Holidays!

Dear ADR Practitioners, Happy holidays from the Staff Team at ADRIO! We wish you a holiday season filled with love, peace, and rest. This year, as we reflect as a team, we are thankful for the commitment, courage and confidence that each of you have to building our field of Alternative Dispute Resolution all year-round.