(Re)Designing the Mediation – Combining Service Design and the Law

This post is written by Kerri Salata, a lawyer, ethics, and compliance professional who advises companies on how to meet their legal and regulatory requirements using creative, design-driven strategies. She is the Founder of Kerri A. Salata, Legal Professional Corporation, and also holds the position of CEO at Comply With Me, a Compliance Consultancy Firm

Unmasking Passive-Aggressive Behaviour in the Workplace: Strategies for ADR Professionals

This post is written by Stephanie Noël, a consultant and dispute resolution specialist at Workplace Assessments by Noël & Co. Inc. Stephanie provides insights and strategies to recognize and address passive-aggressive behaviour in the workplace. Introduction The workplace, often called a second home, is a space where we invest a significant portion of our lives.

The Importance of Reflection as a Mediation Professional

This post is written by Hayley MacPhail, an accredited mediator with the Ontario Association for Family Mediation and an instructor at Kompass Professional Development, a division of Herzing College. She holds a master’s degree in counselling psychology from the University of Toronto and is passionate about shifting conflict and problem-saturated stories to solutions and strength-based

Thank you to everyone who made our 39th Annual Conference a success

Our 39th Annual Professional Development Conference, “The Evolving Demand for ADR,” was a huge success! We wanted this conference program to be propulsive, forward-thinking, and even a little bit provocative. We wanted to showcase some of the most punctuated topics in the ADR Landscape today and bring on board speakers who have specialized in those

Rough Water Navigated Through Ontario’s Leadership at National Conference

ADRIC Updateby Marc Bhalla, LL.M., C.Med, C.Arb(Ontario’s elected representative to the Board of Directors of the ADR Institute of Canada) On November 2nd and 3rd 2023, the ADR Institute of Canada hosted its 49th annual AGM and Conference. The latest iteration of the national conference took place in beautiful Halifax, Nova Scotia. Themed as “Navigating

ADR Institute of Ontario and Humber College Collaborate to Unveil Research Findings on the Digital Transformation of Ontario’s ADR Sector

The ADR Institute of Ontario (ADRIO) is proud to announce the successful completion of a joint research initiative with Humber College titled “Digital Transformation of Ontario’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Sector: A Closer Look at ADR Stakeholders in Ontario.” The comprehensive research identified and explored various stakeholders in the ADR community across the province. Over the