Life Isn’t Fair, So Why Should the Workplace Be?

  • Being informed, i.e., transparency and evenness of dissemination;
  • Feeling supported with respect to well-being;
  • Feeling considered for opportunities; and
  • Receiving acknowledgement, i.e., accurate evaluation and recognition.
  • Clear Leadership and Expectations (includes being informed about important changes in a timely manner), as well as Involvement and Influence (includes being informed of important changes that will impact their work);
  • Psychological and Social Support, as well as Psychological Demands (of the job);
  • Growth and Development; and
  • Recognition and Reward.
  • Are managerial decisions inconsistent and/or arbitrary?
  • Do employees chronically resist change?
  • Are there a higher than historical number of workplace complaints, perhaps claiming harassment, bullying, or a toxic environment?
  • Are there an increased number of disgruntled employees, as evidenced by a satisfaction survey?
  • Has the organization experienced a higher than usual level of absenteeism, sick time, or turnover?

[1] “Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace”, CSA Group, 2022.  (

[2] Ibid.

[3] “Gartner HR Research Reveals 82% of Employees Report Working Environment Lacks Fairness”, Gartner, Inc., November 8, 2021. (